Stevenson Aggregates, looked to re-consent their existing greywacke quarry operations in Tauhei, New Zealand. This included deepening the quarry pit to gain access to more of the resource.
Committed to sustainable development, Stevenson Aggregates partnered with WGA for expert hydrogeological advice to secure the necessary resource consents. A key focus of the project is water reuse – capturing and recycling runoff water and groundwater, with storage within the pit itself. This innovative approach prioritises water conservation throughout the quarry’s operations.
WGA completed a hydrogeological review including groundwater level data to firstly understand the hydrogeological setting. Our scientists then carried out water balance analysis for the quarry and modelled the drawdown effect of long-term dewatering. WGA engaged in meaningful dialogue and consultation with local iwi regarding the consent.
WGA’s comprehensive hydrogeological assessment, provided to the consenting authority, played a key role in streamlining the resource consent process. With this positive momentum, Stevenson Aggregates anticipates securing the resource consent in the near future.