Civil Engineering

WGA NZ | Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec - Civil Engineering Image


Across New Zealand and Australasia, we have access to an experienced group of engineers, scientists, drafters and technical specialists who work across various sectors. WGA has the ability to provide quality hydrogeological and engineering solutions for water supply management to industry, agriculture, government and the mining sector.

Our civil water team is highly regarded in the master planning and delivery of major development projects, including pump stations and pipelines, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), constructed wetlands, design of urban MAR projects and stormwater management systems. In addition, we bring experience in wastewater system design and a background in helping develop potable water supplies.

Our engineers and scientists are industry leaders when it comes to the designs for Aquifer Storage and Recover (ASR) bore headworks, including the pumps and piping systems. Our ability to deliver innovative, buildable and economical solutions for civil projects is further strengthened by our in-house geotechnical expertise.